Hi everyone! We’re coming at you with not a recipe, but a quick article gathering some thoughts and kitchen tips / wisdom from the parental half of The Woks of Life.Here are some key lessons that Bill and Judy have learned to minimize waste in the kitchen.Enjoy! Kitchen Tips From Bill & Judy Judy: Bill and I are no strangers to penny-pinching.

In China in the old days, money was tight.I had one horrifying instance of accidentally letting two live ducks destined for the dinner table out of our house.My mother was so upset with me that I thought that might be my last day on this earth… Bill: My parents were also savvy about saving money, with three kids to raise.

Judy: When Sarah and Kaitlin were young, trips to the grocery store were my time to teach them about the value of food.We always stocked up on sale items and cut coupons.And I never let the girls cut the crusts off their sandwiches! Bill: We’ve built up a lot of tips over the years for how to save money in the kitchen in particular.

Here are our “waste not, want not” tips for smarter cooking and kitchen maintenance! Photo credit: Christine Han 1.Keep an inventory of what’s in your refrigerator Regularly keep an eye on what meats you have thawing in the refrigerator, or when you bought that bag of bok choy.There’s nothing worse than paying for perfectly good vegetables and then having to throw away a third of it because you forgot they were buried in the back of the refrigerator.


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