Stir-fried Chinese Yellow Chives with Pork by: Bill 0 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:5/21/2022Updated:5/20/2022 This recipe for stir-fried Chinese yellow chives with pork is especially tasty this time of year—spring and summer—when delicate, mild-flavored yellow garlic chives are in season.It’s easy to prepare, so if you have access to yellow chives, give this seasonal dish a try!  What Are Yellow Chives?  Before we talk about yellow chives, let’s start with what Chinese chives are.Chinese chives, also known as garlic chives (韭菜 – jiǔcài in Mandarin), are meatier than the standard chives you may be more familiar with.

They have broader, flat leaves, and aren’t hollow like regular chives.  They also have more of a (you guessed it) garlicky flavor, rather than the onion-y flavor of regular chives.Usually consumed more as a vegetable than a herb, you’ll find them in relatively large bunches.Yellow chives, or jiǔ huáng (韭黄) in Mandarin (sometimes called jiǔ cài huáng/韭菜黄) are basically Chinese garlic chives that are grown without light, similar to how you might grow white asparagus.

In Cantonese, it’s called gow wang, and it’s often used in Cantonese noodle and seafood dishes.It has the same basic flavor as the green garlic chives grown in full sun, but are more mild and delicate (characteristic of Cantonese cooking).  These chives can also be quite expensive and a bit harder to find, but it�

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