Nanaimo Bars – a deliciously tempting treat made with decadent chocolate, honey sweetened graham crackers, crunchy nuts, rich butter and custard powder.A no-bake dessert that’s a summer must!What is a Nanaimo Bar?Some of you are likely asking, what are Nanaimo Bars? They are a popular Canadian confection, basically a layered bar cookie, that to me tastes very similar to a richly chocolaty, loaded fudge.They are named after the west coast city of Nanaimo, British Columbia.They consist of 3 layers, a cracker crumb and chocolate base, a custard flavored icing and then they’re finished with a chocolate coating.The instructions for these treats may appear to be long and tedious but these tasty treats are surprisingly super simple to make.

They are a no-bake bar, after all.After one taste you’ll be wondering where these delicacies have been your whole life!Nanaimo Bar IngredientsUnsalted butter: This ingredient is used in all 3 layers, must be what makes them so delicious!Granulated sugar: Brown sugar should work fine here as well.Unsweetened cocoa powder: Just use regular not Dutch or sweetened.Salt: This helps balance the sweetness.You can also mix in a pinch or two with the cream in the middle layer.Egg: Note that egg is not fully heated to 160 degrees, so for food safety it is not recommend to serve such dishes to the elderly, those with a compromised immune system or young children.Graham crackers: Don’t crush down to powder, they should have some texture still.Al

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