I was craving chocolate cake last week, but I didn't want a layer cake, so I made a rolled one!  It may sound harder to make a rolled cake, but it is actually easier and faster once you get the hang of it.  Plus you don't have to frost anything perfectly which is nice sometimes.For this one I made a nice glaze.  I have made a plain chocolate roll cake before, like a giant Ho Ho, but I thought it would be even better with peanut butter mousse filling instead of plain vanilla.  I have been a bit obsessed with the chocolate and PB combo ever since I first had a peanut butter cup.For the base, I made my date sweetened chocolate cake.

I could have used a sugar sweetened one, but I like the slight caramel flavor the dates give this cake, and the fact that it is nice and moist (but still light) so it rolls up nicely and breaks less.Also, I am a fan of fruit sweetened recipes! Dates are one of my favorite things to use for sweetening, I call them nature's caramel because when you blend them up, they taste like caramel! The batter for this cake tasted amazing, and I knew it would be even better once baked.It made my cake smell like brownies while it was in the oven! Once it had cooled, I made a peanut butter mousse filling for it.  I used a coconut cream base, because it always turns out so velvety smooth, and added a good amount of peanu

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