This 30-minute broccoli cheddar soup recipe is the ULTIMATE comfort food! It's rich, creamy, super cheesy, and loaded with tender veggies.Jump to recipe Broccoli cheddar soup is one of Jack’s favorite foods.Ask him about the version at Panera Bread, and he’ll go on and on about its creamy texture and rich, tangy, cheesy flavor.

He never expected me to develop a broccoli cheddar soup recipe at home (unless you count this vegan twist), but with the holidays right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to surprise him with one.So, on a gray, chilly day last weekend, when we were both craving comfort food, I finally made him this broccoli cheddar soup recipe.As we sat down with our steaming bowls, I waited anxiously to see what he’d think.I shouldn’t have worried.

He took one taste and declared, “This recipe is even better than Panera’s broccoli cheddar soup!” A few minutes later, he was already heading back for seconds.I hope you love this recipe too! Broccoli Cheddar Soup Recipe IngredientsHere’s what you’ll need to make this broccoli cheddar soup recipe:Broccoli, of course! Cut it into small, bite-sized pieces so that you get some in every spoonful of soup.Onion and garlic – They add savory depth of flavor.

Butter and flour – They create a roux that thickens the soup.Milk – It perfects the soup’s creamy texture.Whole milk is traditional in broccoli cheese soup, and it works great here, but I often use unsweetened almond milk inste

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