Yesterday I started my day with the best refreshing smoothie of all time: Kale Cucumber Apple Ginger Smoothie.Super green, super vibrant, and sparkling with life! ‘nough said.Just look at it.

It’s made with cucumber, spinach, apple, ginger & a bunch of other goodies.If you have a big full glass of this in the morning, before you go out the door you will feed your body with more than the daily need of vitamins K and A and more than half of the daily need of manganese and folate.This smoothie is also rich in fiber, magnesium, iron, vitamins C and E, B vitamins, calcium, and potassium.

All in all, a WHOLE lot of goodness in a sweet and zesty green glass! (Wanna discover more green and healthy smoothies? You should try Panera Green Smoothie) Super Green Super Vibrant Kale Cucumber Apple Ginger Smoothie Author: Chris Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 or 2 Ingredients 1 small cucumber Handful of spinach 1 apple, cored 1 TBSP minced ginger Freshly squeezed juice of 1 lime 1 TBSP honey/agave/maple syrup 1 cup water Optional (for non-vegans): raw bee pollen Instructions Partly peel the cucumber (remove about 60% of the peel).Chuck all ingredients to the blender (except bee pollen) and let it work its magic.Blend until desired consistency.

Taste and add more honey/agave/maple syrup if needed.If using, sprinkle bee pollen on top and serve.Nutrition Facts (per serving) Calories: Approximately 100 kcal Total Fat: 0.5g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 10mg T

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