If you can spare the last bit of a drippy, creamy almond butter from your next jar, I will reward you with these huge, chewy rich cookies! This almond butter chocolate chip cookies recipe makes 12 giant cookies that are as big as my face! No need to chill them, the almond butter holds the dough together in the oven.These Almond Butter Cookies will have you wanting more and more! I just realized I should call these cookies ABCs--Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies.It is not an understatement when I say these are the best cookies that have come out of my kitchen in a long time.

They emerge from the oven puffy and golden brown, but they sink into the pretty cracks as they cool.I halved the recipe to make just 1 dozen cookies (because that's what I do!), but I immediately regretted it.I wanted more more more.

A little portion control was absolutely in order, because 12 giant cookies is a bit much.Why you'll love this Almond Butter Cookies Recipe I used all-natural, unsalted almond butter.Yes, I had to stir it.

But I don't regret it.I have made these with chopped chocolate bars, chocolate chips and chocolate chunks.All are equally delicious, so use your favorite! The sea salt sprinkle on top is entirely optional.

I've found you have to be under the age of 32 to appreciate salty desserts.Just my unscientific research lately.Almond Butter Cookie ingredients Flour. One cup of all-purpose flour that has been fluffed, scooped and leveled with a

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