Saffron Chicken with Parsley and Lemon Jump to RecipeIf you like the distinctive flavor of saffron, this Saffron Chicken with Parsley and Lemon is a traditional way to use it, and this delicious chicken is a classic dish!  Have you ever cooked with ?  It’s widely acknowledged to be the most expensive spice in the world, but you only need a tiny pinch to add delicious flavor to famous dishes like Paella and Saffron Rice.And one of the most traditional dishes made with saffron is this delicious Saffron Chicken with Parsley and Lemon which I first tasted when my Iranian friend Massoud made it for me many years ago.Today I’m excited to be updating this popular recipe with better photos, and a few minor changes that I think make this recipe a bit more authentic.

I decided it was a sign that I should update the recipe after my friend Mary Caputo brought me some Saffron from Turkey, thanks Mary! Saffron is probably an acquired taste, but people crave it all over the middle east, and I think the saffron flavor is so delicious in this Saffron Chicken.What Ingredients Do You Need For This Recipe? (This is only a list of ingredients; please scroll down for complete printable recipe.Or if you use the JUMP TO RECIPE link at the top of the page, it will take you directly to the complete recipe.) boneless, skinless chicken thighs (or breasts, although thighs are more traditional) onion Olive Oil (affiliate link) butter Saffron, (affiliate link) homemade chicken stock or ca

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