Ground Bean Sauce by: Everyone 22 Comments Posted:9/29/2022Updated:9/29/2022 There are many savory Chinese sauces and pastes made from fermented soybeans.Instantly adding flavor to stir-fries, stews and other dishes, you can find them stacked side-by-side in any Chinese grocery store.Just look for the aisle with a dizzying array of soy sauces, vinegars, rice wines, hot sauces, and bean pastes.

In this article, we’ll talk about ground bean sauce, a key ingredient in meat marinades, some stir-fries, and Cantonese stews.But what is the difference between ground bean sauce and just…”bean sauce?” Why do the jars look so similar?? What about sweet bean sauce and bean paste? Aren’t Chee Hou Sauce and Hoisin Sauce also made with fermented soybeans? We’ll clear up the confusion below! Got a question about another ingredient? Check out our full glossary of Chinese sauces, wines, vinegars, and oils, which includes photos and descriptions of each.What Is Ground Bean Sauce? Ground bean sauce is made with fermented yellow soybeans.

Not to be confused with regular bean paste AKA sweet soybean paste (豆瓣酱), which is made with little more than soybeans, wheat, and salt, it usually has additional seasonings, including sesame oil, sugar, and spices.In terms of flavor, it is mild and salty, with the umami-laden punch of fermented soybeans.Here’s a look at the ingredients labeling: You may also confuse it with sweet bean sa

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