I have been eating so many berries lately.  Mostly because it is summer and I feel berry deprived the rest of the year, but also because me and Eric picked a large amount when we visited his Dad a few weeks back and I have some in the freezer still.  Berries are not something that is bad to eat a ton of though, why not get your daily antioxidants the natural way, right?! I wanted to make some recipes with them too, and since I have been in an ice cream sort of mood lately I decided to make some blueberry lavender ice cream.I wanted something fancy (the lavender) but still classic (the blueberry).  It is such a lovely refreshing combination too!  For the base I used full fat coconut milk and cashew butter to make it extra creamy.  I don't just throw the lavender into it and blend though, I go through the process of heating the milk, then adding the lavender and letting it sit to let the flavor of the lavender bloom into it.  It might be a little extra work, but it is so worth it!  You then have to let it cool though, in order to freeze better in the ice cream maker.This base tasted so good even before freezing!  I added a little bit of vanilla as well, and dates to sweeten it instead of maple syrup or another liquid sweetener this time.  Don't get me wrong I love the maple syrup, but it makes for a little bit more icy hard ice

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