Thai Fried Rice by: Bill 0 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:2/26/2023Updated:2/26/2023 Thai Fried Rice (Khao Pad or Khao Phat) doesn’t need much introduction.It’s simple, delicious food at its finest.Every time I order it, I savor the subtle differences to our family’s Chinese fried rice dishes that make it so unique and satisfying.  Seasoned with Thai soy sauce, fish sauce, maybe some chili, and often served with a wedge of lime, this fried rice brings out some of the elemental flavors of Thai cuisine. Make it with pork, chicken, beef, or shrimp! What Sets Thai Fried Rice APART? So what makes Thai fried rice Thai? We’re a Chinese family, so maybe a more pointed question is, what sets this Thai fried rice apart from the Chinese fried rice recipes we’ve shared in the past? In our observation (and taste experience, from eating fried rice at Thai restaurants), it seems like khao pad is distinguished by its use of fish sauce, a staple condiment and cooking ingredient in Thai cuisine, and additional aromatics like chilies, Thai basil, and additional garlic.  You may also see the addition of sugar or palm sugar (which adds a touch more sweetness than Chinese fried rice).

The rice may also be served alongside fresh ingredients like lime, tomato, and cucumber.  Note: Fish sauce is also used in certain regional Chinese cuisines, particularly from coastal regions in Southern China.That said, it is a ubiquitous ingredient in Southe

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