Home » Guides » Ultimate Guide to Chickpeas Ultimate Guide to Chickpeas This post may contain affiliate links.Please read my disclosure policy.Looking for the ultimate guide on how to cook chickpeas!? I’ve got you covered! In this post, we’re going over all of your burning questions about chickpeas and walking through how to cook them from the stovetop to the instant pot! Hopefully you know by now HOW MUCH I LOVE chickpeas! I’ve used this in a TON of recipes and they are seriously one of my all time favorite foods to eat.

Up until the past few years, I always bought canned chickpeas because they’re just so so easy.And while I still really like them canned, I also love how simple and incredibly cost effective it is to buy raw chickpeas and cook them yourself at home.I’m going to walk you through lots of different ways to cook them, how to soak them, and even show you some of my favorite ways to use them.

Let’s dive RIGHT in, shall we? What are Chickpeas: Chickpeas are legumes! In their raw form, they almost feel like beige round rocks and are very hard uncooked.You cannot eat them raw as they contain toxins (removed during the cooking process) and are simply too hard to chew or digest properly.While typically beige, they do come in other colors including red and green.

Since chickpeas are so high in protein and fiber, they are used very commonly in vegetarian cooking

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