Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was, without a doubt, one of my favorite childhood movies.In fact, it might have been the movie that kindled my love of candy.I’ve done a Wonka Candy Drip Cake in the past, but today, I give you a gravity defying Willy Wonka Illusion Cake.

There are a few recipes you’re going to need to help you achieve this massive Wonka cake.You’re going to need 9 (you read that right…9!) white chocolate mud cakes, buttercream frosting, and ganache.Feel free be as creative with this cake as possible! And also – you can make this in your WONKA F’Oodie Reversible Snug Hoodie! Instructions: Carve your cakes.

Level off the top of the cake with a sharp knife.Flip it over, and use a serrated edge knife to trim the browned bottom section.Trim the outside edges of the cake, as well.

 Then, use a cake leveler and cut the cake in half. Keep one half and set aside.Repeat with the rest of your cakes.

(TIP: chilling the cakes for about an hour in the fridge/freezer before you begin carving your cake makes it easier to work with).Using a baking brush, brush on your simple syrup (hot water + sugar) directly onto the tops of the cakes.Paint closer to the outside edges to prevent the cake from drying out.

Add a thin layer of buttercream frosting to the top of each of the cakes to create a thin crumb coat.On the cake board, stack whichever color you want on the top of your cake first on the bottom of your cake board (you’ll be flipping t

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