If you love tender pieces of meat with a crunchy crust doused in a sauce that balances sweet and savory perfectly, you've found your new favorite dinner.This Honey Garlic Pork is made out of chopped pork tenderloin pieces coated in an easy 2-ingredient batter that is quick-fried and then baked with a sticky sweet sauce.If you have made my honey garlic chicken thighs and realized you've never fallen in love with a recipe so hard before, this recipe is for you.

It's nearly identical to the previous recipe, but it uses chopped pork tenderloin.How to Make Honey Garlic Pork with Tenderloin This is the easiest method for making a thick crust on pieces of meat.Just coat the chopped pork in cornstarch and then dip in beaten egg.

That's it! Egg does something magical when it's fried in hot oil, making the crust puff up and stick to the meat very well.If frying scares you, don't be scared! This recipe is just a quick fry on both sides, so you don't have to worry about cooking the pork all the way through.Just pan-fry on both sides until the crust is set, and then we'll bake it the rest of the way in the oven.

We're making our side dish right on the same pan as the honey garlic pork.Just add chopped broccoli florets (not frozen, fresh) to the same pan as the pork before it goes in the oven.They have the same cooking time.

Meanwhile, make some rice by either using your rice cooker or microwaving a bowl of instant rice.The Ingredients Pork Tenderloin.We

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