Oyster sauce can be found in a variety of Chinese and Asian recipes, including many of the recipes on this site.It’s also included in our list of 10 Essential Chinese Pantry Ingredients, for good reason.  A sauce made from oysters may sound a little bit scary, but it is actually quite mild, and adds a blast of flavor and umami to dishes.  If you don’t already have a bottle of this stuff, you need to get your hands on some! It deserves a spot in your refrigerator door—right next to the ketchup and mustard.As Bill’s father, a chef, used to say, “if you want to make any dish taste better, just add oyster sauce.” What is Oyster Sauce? Oyster sauce (háo yóu, 蚝油) or “ho yeow” in Cantonese dialect, is a savory sauce that is commonly used in Chinese cooking.

Traditionally, it was used mostly in Cantonese cooking and southern Chinese cuisine due to the proximity of the fertile oyster beds off the coast of Hong Kong and Guangdong.Since then, it has spread to many different types of Chinese cooking and has become a very popular ingredient in many Asian recipes.Made with primarily with oyster extract, it’s a dark brown color and quite thick, with a viscosity and texture similar to ketchup or barbecue sauce, it’s really an all-purpose seasoning sauce.  Watch the full overview of oyster sauce and our taste test on our Youtube channel.

Like and subscribe if you enjoy the video! Traditionally, the sauce was made by simmering oysters in water until the l

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