If crispy potatoes are your fave, this Smashed Potatoes recipe is going to make your heart skip a beat.Smashing the potatoes before roasting them means more surface area for crisping up, but the insides are still delightfully fluffy and tender.Yes, smashed potatoes, YES! WANT TO SAVE THIS RECIPE? Enter your email below to save this recipe to your free Well Plated recipe box.

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The British have a fantastic word for food you just can’t stop eating: moreish.These crispy smashed potatoes definitely qualify! Once you finish the pan (and oh, you will finish the pan!), you’ll wish that you had another batch to polish off.They’re like a cross between Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, and Baked Potatoes, but with the crispy factor dialed up to 11.

Fun to Make.I’m always calling out when a recipe is easy to make or quick to make, but how often are recipes fun? The process of smashing the potatoes with the bottom of a glass (or your palm, if you’re more of a hands-on type) is strangely satisfying as you apply juuuuust enough pressure to break the potato apart without crushing it into smithereens.A Side Dish for Any

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