We grow giant celery in our NYC garden during the Summer.Here’s all the details you need to know about how to grow seeds, watering and maintaining, harvesting and storing celery! We love growing celery! Celery is one of those plants that just WOW you when you grow it.I still remember the first time we grew it, I was giddy for the whole day when we picked it.

Celery, although a frustrating seed to germinate, turns into a pretty simple plant that is drama free once it’s in your garden.Because it doesn’t stress out about heat, it’s a good Summer time vegetable to grow! Once you pick it, it stores well in the refrigerator for a few weeks, and freezes to last even longer.We always chop and freeze a bunch of celery to use in our favorite celery recipes to use all Winter! Here’s a video I made that walks you through this celery growing guide! I hope it answers all the questions you have.

Any more questions? Leave them in the comments! What type of celery do we grow? We grow Tango celery which has tender stalks and great flavor.It’s a good Summer time vegetable to grow because it performs well under heat stress, even during hot NYC summers with minimal watering.How long does celery take to grow? Celery takes 4-5 months to grow, on average about 140 days from starting seeds to harvesting.

Usually we start our seeds indoors in March, transplant it in May and then pick it during the Summer.We are located in Zone 7B.What are the difficulties of celery seeds

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